Thursday, August 28, 2008

Another ER visit today

Since it has been TWO months since we had to have an emergency visit and Ella JUST got her cast off, karma has a sense of humor. Ella did not sleep well last night but I thought it was because her arm was hurting. No other symptoms of ANYTHING.

Today we were eating lunch; she had finished and was enjoying some Cinderella fruit snacks. The only way I can get her to eat is to bribe her with those. Well she stopped eating them and complained her ear was hurting. No her head. No her mouth. I thought she had bitten her mouth and was just being dramatic. Her usual self.

I had to run to Joanns to get some stuff for Kaitlin and while I was there Ella started screaming. I dont mean whining, I mean high pitched screaming. I HAD to go get Alison and take her to airport. It was too late to get someone else to do it and Ella is screaming.

By the time I get her to the ER clinic, she has conked out and asleep. Poor thing had just screamed till she crashed. ( Alison helped me since she was the queen of ear infections. THANK YOU AL!!! )

We got there and the Dr says that she has a bad middle ear infection and her ear drum will burst befor antibiotics will work. Her ear drum was already buldging. Not to worry though, she will not be in any more pain when that happens. WHATEVER. Not a good thing to tell a worried mom.

She is acutally doing much better so I am wondering if it has bursted now. We are in there and they are asking for her medical history. I start listing off all the incidents in her life, hospitalazations, dog bite, broken arm, etc. The nurse looks up at me and aske "how old is she??" I know. I know.

My first fear was how was I going to juggle a sick kid and a new baby coming any minute. Ella is not contagious and as long as she is fever free, which she has been, we are good. She is snuggled up next to me watching Little Bear as we speak.

Ella Bella, kiddo. I have my work cut out for me...


Lisa said...

That kid is great. She just knows that you need to be kept on your toes. Hope that she feels much better soon. Poor little thing.

The Potts Family said...

Poor baby girl. Hope she is better soon. That's what I hear about ear infections - there aren't always symptoms. Your child just starts screaming. I've had ear aches before and have been a big baby about that. I can't imagine what an infection would feel like.
Dope her up on garlic and probiotics!

Heather Hardin said...

ohh she is on the probiotics. We do that a lot. I have to sneak it in her food though, when she is not looking. She is doing so much better today.

What does the garlic do?

The Potts Family said...

Garlic fights infection. They actually make ear drops with garlic and muellin flower that help with ear infections.
Braelyn is teething right now - getting her molars I guess? Anyway, it is unbelievable how upset she is about it. I'm hoping they come in fast b/c there's not a whole lot I know to do for her. Poor baby.

Sara said...

Oh mi gosh! You have no idea how excited I am that you are on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I just have to go back and read your blog. I'm so excited!