Monday, August 25, 2008

Tad poles

We live just down the street from a creek and little pond all of the little neighborhood boys like to fish in. It was so nice last week Ella and I went almost every day down there. We take Angie for a walk and usually come back soaked head to toe from playing in the water.

On Saturday, Geoff, Ella, Angie and I went for a walk to get out of the house. Geoff took a mason jar with us and the three of us spent an hour or so catching teeny minows
(like the size of my pinky nail) and tadpoles. We have come home with a jar full of 13 tadpoles, three minute minnows and several snails surrounded by pond scum which is at the bottom of the jar.

Geoff and I thought this would be a great way to teach Ella about nature, God's world, etc. Saturday night I googled tad poles to make sure I did not kill these little things. I thought they probably took about three or so weeks to become frogs. WRONG. It takes about 6 to 12 weeks. I think we took on a project that I had not planned on.

They are in a jar sitting on our kitchen counter. Little slimmy things swimming around. I told Ella, once they start to grow their legs etc, we are going to have to put them back in the creek. The last thing I need is 12 fromgs hopping around my house!!!


Lisa said...

If it were my house they would turn to frogs and they would certainly get loose too. With my luck they wouldn't all be found either. Good luck with that.

Alison said...

As long as there are no frogs around when I'm there, we're good. On a positive note, if they get loose in the house, Angie will just think they're one of her toys and take care of them for you!!