Friday, August 22, 2008

Ella is APC- accident prone child

ella sitting in a warm load of clean clothes

Ella has been in the hospital 6 times before she turned three. Hospitalized 4 times for dehydration and complications from the ROTO virus, one for the dog bite and one for the broken arm. That is NOT including all the other Dr visits we have had with two concussions, private area injuries ( 2, dont ask, just dont let your kid slam down in the bath tub with toys around and PRAY that you have boys so you do not have to worry about that) and who knows what else we have been in the dr for.

So last night Geoff was putting Ella into bed and she was being silly. She slammed her face down into the pillow ( noticing a slamming habit??!!!) and I had propped her pillow up against the head board. She did not know that and the next thing I hear is SCREAMING and Geoff trying to comfort Ella. He told me what happened so I laid down with her thinking this over exaggeration of emotions was due to the fact that she was beyond tired. I lay down with her, cuddle her up and start to kiss her head. I was brushing her hair out of her face when I noticed something. Geoff was still in the room sitting on the bed with us and I asked him to turn on the light. As soon as he did, I see blood dripping down her forehead. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!

I asked Geoff if it was ok that she come and lay in bed with us so I could watch her and make sure she was going to be ok. She was and drifted off the sleep about 45 min later. I woke up this morning and asked Geoff what in the WORLD are we going to do when social services comes to do our home study for the adoption. "Yes, sir, please may we adopt this child. Yes, our daughter is fine. She is in a cast, with bruises all over her ohhh and a slice in her forehead." How fast do you think they are going to run out my door!!!! Geez. She has her fathers very large head and her mothers inability to walk in a straight line or watch what she is doing. Not a good combination......


Lisa said...

She is so funny. Maybe you can just make her bangs thicker and longer to cover up the cut and make her wear turtle necks, long sleeves and long pants every time they come for a house visit.:)

The Potts Family said...

So funny. I mean, not really, that poor baby! Its like Jay. He is so accident prone. He's been in the ER probably 16 times in his life. I've never been....lets hope Braelyn has my history there.
Well, even with her cuts and bruises and casts, she's still just as cute as they come!

Sara said...

Oh mi goodness. I am finally getting to read a little bit of your blog. Poor baby girl! I remember these same things happening to Marli, minus the hospitalizations. I didn't know you were adopting! Congratulations!!!!!!