Wednesday, December 17, 2008

little Jake

Just had emergency surgery. We are home but I went to the ENT expecting to have an eval and schedule for tubes at the end of the week. His RSV/Bronchiolitis is too bad and his lungs will not tolerate being put under. So when I got there, my only options was surgery. The next thing I know Jake has drops in his ears, is getting papoosed and the surgeon puts a microscpope in his ears, takes a teeny scaple and makes an insicion on his ear drum. Then he takes a vaccum and sucks all the goop out. I am tired. I am overwhelmed. I am terrified right now. THis is just to buy us some time till his lungs heal. I am now getting EK dressed so I can take her BACK to the dr because she woke up at midnight complaining of her left ear. Seriously. I am so glad my mom is here. Finacially, I do not know how we are going to keep going. I still owe our attorney several grand and now because we are having to wait, we will not meet our insurance deductable in Jan and will have to start all over. I dont mean to complain. I really dont. I am just drowning, I am beyond sleep deprived and worried about my babies.

So please, pray for us. For Jake and Ella and that we can get over this stuff. And quickly


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Virus Virus go away, the Hardin's do not want you to stay

It has been a long, LONG two weeks. Both kids have been sick. Jake had bronchiolitis which they thought had turned into RSV but after he went into respiratory distress last Wednesday, his RSV test was negative at the hospital. Mom flew in on Thursday and I really thought I had a handle on things. Boy, was I wrong. Jake was bad. REALLY bad. Scary bad and with his age, there is nothing we could do. Unless he went into respiratory distress again, everything Children's would do, we could do at home. I chose home.

Ella broke with this on Friday night. We are 5 days into it with her. Jake is better, still wheezing a teeny bit and we see the ENT tomorrow am to get him emergency tubes in his ears hopefully this week, if not next. Ella started running a fever. A HIGH fever and it has not improved any. Sunday night, we had to call the on call DR for the 2nd time during the weekend because her fever was being treated but had risen over 104. Jake has been on 5 different antibisotics including a roceflin shot. His GI tract was warped and he was having some poop issues. Like, it was coming out everywhere. Did not want him to get dehydrated. Vicious cycle of all of this.

Monday am, mom and I are taking both kids to the dr. I am crossing over the Custer/121 by pass and blew out a rear tire. So now I am stuck. Two sick kids, one running 104 fever, the other one coughing his head off and I am stuck. Want to just break down and cry now because I have not slept in several days. Literally, the night before I did not go to bed because we were dipping EK in baths, etc trying to get her temp to break. OK, water works wanting to come but needing to keep it together for the kiddos. THANK THE LORD Alison was literally right behind us and we did not even know it. I started to change the tire but was not prepared to do so in 30 degree weather and the wind YIKES, the wind. We pile car seats and kids into Al's car. Start driving off and Ella starts puking. GREAT!!! I have nothing with me. Her fever is so high she went thru spurts of being delirious. Funny, yet scary at the same time. She was saying some crazy stuff

I get to house and realize that my garage door opener is BACK IN MY CAR. I was so unbelievably hungry by this point there was no way I was going to make it back to my car. I remembered Alison had spare key so I went rummaging through her house and found them. By the time Geoff came home, it was 27 degrees outside, sleeting and we were changing a tire.

Ella is still running a high temp, I hope Jake is well enough to get these tubes before the holidays and momma needs a vacation. Ohh, did I mention that I had to replace all FOUR tires right before Christmas. Ella and Kait might be the only ones getting presents this year because all of my money just went to TIRES. GO AWAY you stupid virus