Monday, August 18, 2008

our pumpkin seeds

Aunt Candas gave Ella some gardening tools and seeds for her birthday. By the time we got around to planting them, we were about a month late for our region. I was hoping we could just tend to these little guys and have at least some teeny pumpkins by Oct. Then Ella and Bella ( next door neighbor) could come and pick some and we could carve them for Halloween. So we have been watering the heck out of these plants not expecting to see anything growing for a while.

Last week we went out and we have sprouts. I think Ella called everyone she knew to tell them about it. Well this morning we are watching Noggin and some show has a live puppeteer thing and they are playing in a band to help their "Arthur" grow.

So guess what. We now have a CD player out in the back yard making our pumpking grow more. So Ella, GiGi and Ga Ga ( her imaginary friends) are dancing in the back yard yelling at the pumpkins to grow all while listening to JACK F.M. GiGi apparently is not singing the songs correctly which makes Ella laugh and laugh.

Can you image what our neighbors think of us? I bet they would like I us to go back to the funny farm where we came from.....



Unknown said...

Our garden is doing great as well. I didn't think to plant pumpkins...I'd have to get a pretty big pot. Maybe we should try to sing to our garden... we might just get veggies sooner.

P.S. you guys are quite the "kooky" family, but we love you just the way you are.

C said...

I know it was the end of July but the people at Calloway's SAID they would still grow! I really hope they do and we get to see pictures of Ella carving a pumpkin for her baby brother! :)

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious. Jack FM? I would have figured AM 620 Radio Disney would have been more up Ella's alley.

Lisa said...

LOVE IT!!! Didn't you know that music makes plants grow. DUH! Common knowledge