Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Prince

Sunday night we were driving home from church and Ella was talking about princess' and prince. This went on for a while and she said princess' are girls and prince are boys. Correct. I stated how daddy was my prince in which Ella replied, "Peyton is my prince. I LOVE Peyton!!!"

This relationship started when Ella was about 18 months old and Peyton had just turned two. Now they are three. When we go to High Point C of C, they will ALWAYS walk together holding hands. It does not matter if it is giving to the children helping children program or going to children's church. They are together. We are very excited to start school this year because Ella is starting at a new school, Peyton's school. Ohhh laa laa!!!


Lisa said...

Holy Cow!! That is so cute. I have seen them in church together holding hands. ADORABLE!!!

Alison said...

They are so adorable together! Peyton's got it made if the girls think he's a prince already!

Sherry Turner said...

Those are some of the cutest kids ever! How fun that they have each other.

Anonymous said...

In about 10 years if Geoff needs someone to help beat up boys let me know.