Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Gi Gi and Ga Ga

As most of you know, Ella has quite the imagination. She has created two imaginary friends who seem to keep popping up more and more. I have had to turn the car around once we left the drive way because we left one of them in the house. One time at the grocery store, I had to turn the cart back to the previous isle because GiGi was not listening and she got out of the cart. I somehow left her on isle 5.

Monday was Labor Day and we hung out with our friends, the Willefords. This would Peyton's family. Sigh....... Ohh young love. Anyways, Ella came down stairs whining about how Peyton was not being nice to GiGi and GaGa. My first thought was, well he can not SEE them and 2) he thinks you probably have three toys and he has one. So I just told her not to worry about it and GiGi and GaGa would find other toys to play with.

The second time she came down stairs saying GiGi and GaGa were not being nice to Peyton. So I took new steps with these imaginary friends. I know Teresa and Bob must think we are crazy dealing with these "friends" but they are so real in Ella's world.

I told Ella to make GiGi and GaGa come to the stairs. Then I told all three of them ( Ella, GiGi and GaGa) that since GiGi and GaGa could not play nice, they had to come down stairs and sit on the couch for time out. Ella went on and we never heard about her friends the rest of the day.

It has come down to imaginary friends going to time out. Ohhh brother.....


Heather Meredith said...

and you only thought you had one child...

Alison said...

Oh....I love that kid! It cracks me up when she decides to perform formal introductions of Gigi and Gaga! So hilarious!

Jen said...

I love Gigi and Gaga! I think that is the funniest thing. I hope that my kids have a lot of imagination...I think?