Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where is she going?

Ella and I were on our way to playgroup today and to get to 75, we drive down what I think is the most pretty part of Eldorado. It is all shady with nice big trees nestled in a neighborhood of half a mil properties. I love driving that way. Well there is a jogging trail that follows Eldorado and there was a lady jogging. Here is how THAT conversation went:

"Mommy, where is she going".

"She is just running"


" To keep her body in shape, exercising and staying healthy. God wants us to keep our bodies healthy and strong."

"Does she not have a car?"

"yes honey, she has a car" as I snicker from her response

"Where is it? Why is she not using it?"

" She is just running to keep healthy, baby."

"I don't understand that, mommy." as she shakes her head back and forth

Ohh from the mouths of babes. Silly girl.


Lisa said...

I'm with Ella. I don't understand that. Running has never been appealing to me. she's right. Just get in your car and go!

Alison said...

I don't really understand running either, but I have done it on limited occasions. Maybe we should all listen to 3 year olds!!

teacherjanet said...

Tell Ella I don't understand it either! He He! Just kidding! Hope you are doing well

Anonymous said...

Oh how she will understand in year 2 of college.